1. ALWAYS carry a travel fanny pack in Europe. Some people are not as trustworthy as they should be.
2. If something scares you, do it. Nobody got anywhere by playing it safe.
3. Always expect the unexpected.
4. You can always make more money, you can't make more experiences.
5. Not everywhere you travel will be as magnificent as it looks online, don't feel guilty if you just want to spend some time in your room every now and then. (Please refer to no. 4 before undertaking no. 5).
6. You pretty much have to drink every night if you're doing Contiki. It's law, be prepared.
7. Not everyone is going to want to travel the same way you do, don't let that stop you from doing the things that interest you.
8. Always carry cash. Some places don't carry card and it can get you into some pretty sticky situations.
9. You will make life long friends. You will also meet people that you hope to never cross paths with again. Value them both.
10. Overall, be positive. Things will go wrong, you will get homesick, but there are millions of people in the world right now dreaming to one day have the ability to do what you are doing. Enjoy it while it lasts.